Tips and Tricks using Custom Permalink on Blogger for SEO friendly

What is meant by Permalink on the blogger?

For someone who may be new to the world of blogging or commonly referred to as the Beginner will certainly ask.

Permalink stands for Permanent Link or Permanent Link, so what is meant by permalink is a link that points to a URL address or to a specific posting page in a blog that is permanent.

Or in other words, Permalink can be interpreted as follows.

If we are creating or writing an article, for example, we give the title "5 Tips and Tricks for Creating SEO friendly Blog posts", then the URL address for the article with that title will appear in the Address Bar The browser you are using becomes as below

Arriving here, of course, you are very clear with what is meant by Custom Permalink. Let's find out this Seo Tips, which is how to optimize a URL address or blog post with Custom Permalink.

And now we continue to how to use Custom Permalink on Blogspot. The way is very easy, that is
  • Log in first to
  • Click a new entry (column to create a new article).
  • Then look in the right sidebar (entry settings).
  • Click Permanent Link (Permalink)
  • Then select Custom Permanent Link
  • Replace the URL address (Permalink) with the URL address you want
  • Click Done

- Permalinks can be changed before the article is published
- For word separators, you can only use dashes (-)

Actually, with the availability of Custom Permalink (Permanent Link), we are allowed to enrich (multiply) keywords in each Blog Article (Post) that we will publish to the public.

And not only that, by applying a Custom Permalink to every blog article (post) that we have, then the article will be able to compete on the front page on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and so forth.

But this all depends on how you choose (target) and place keywords in each blog article that you create.

And what you need to underline here is to use Custom Permalink on each blog article not only able to compete in the SERP (search engine) but also to improve your SEO Blog.

Up to here, approximately explanation of SEO Tips with Permanent Links is very clear, right?

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